I used a couple of websites to get the images I used for this project.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Today's Work 12-13-10
Today I continued working on my final project. I also had to re-do a cartoon photoshop image, and re post it on the blog, so that he could raise my grade. Today I finished doing all of my images for my project, and I started working on what I'm going to say for this project. So after school I"m going to come and finish what I'm going to say for the project.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Today's Work 12-9-10
Today i continuted working on my final projet. I didnt make any new pictures, but instead i just improved the pictures i already have, so now I have 3 pictures that im ready to put in my project. next class i should just have to make 1 more picture and cite all my sources.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Today's Work 12-7-10
Today the teacher put the rubric on his blog, so I was able to see how my project has been looking compared to the rubric. It turns out I cant put pictures from previous assignments on my blog, so I have been having to make new ones. I also spend time editing pictures i had already made. I add fire to Peyton Hillis, I added a tail to the buffalo about to sack Manning, and I photoshopped a picture of Ray Lewis about to make an interception while wearing a jet pack. He got hops. next class I will photoshop one more image and then do the writing about photoshop and my experience with it.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Today's Work 12-3-10
Today I continued to work on my final project, that all there is to do for the rest of the semester. i wanted to photoshop a bear trying to block one of Peyton manning's Passes, but I couldnt find good pictures, so i ended up just photoshopping a buffalo about to sack Peyton Manning. I also Worked on the document that I'm going to beturning in, and I added a lot of pictures to it, so now all i need to do is add words about how I've used photoshop throughout the year,
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Today's Work 12-1-10
Today I was assigned my final project for this semester of multimedia. It seems simple enough. i have to choose some form of multimedia and make a 2 page spread over it, using at least 3 pictures. The form of multimedia I chose to use is photoshop, which is the mac program I feel most comfortable using, and I feel like I can use it decently. I'm going to need to photoshop some more images and use them for my project. Today I photoshopped a picture of Peyton Hillis, (a Clevelands Browns runningback), breaking a tackle, and I put a bull on his head. Next class I'll probably try to photoshop another image
Monday, November 29, 2010
Today's Work 11-29-10
Today was pretty simple. I had to finish the Food Portrait i had already started from last class. i just had to change the background to green, and I added a carrot for the mouth and beans for the nose. After that i posted it on my blog, and I started researching the differences between Pixel Images and Vector images. i posed the differences in another blog post. Then i messed around with adobe illustrator, which im going to be working on for these next few weeks.
Pixel v.s. Vector: The Differences
The majority of what photoshop makes is pixel-based images, while Adobe Illustrator was designed to create vector based images. Here are the differences between the two:
Pixel- Pixel based images are those constructed of pixels and are resolution dependent.
Vector-Vector based images are defined by mathematical equations and are resolution independent.
Resolution independence is the concept that elements from the computer screen can be drawn independent from the pixel grid.
Resolution dependent is the concept that elements from the computer are depended from the pixel grid.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Today's Work 11-22-10
Today I worked on doing the spreadsheet of my food graph, which i uploaded onto my blog. I also started working on making a portatrait of me but with food, which I should finish next class.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Typography Drawing
It took me forever, but i finally got it done. the picture is of Ray Lewis, #52 of the Baltimore Ravens.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Today's Work 11-16-10
Today I read an article about companies in China that were censoring what people could post on their blogs, and they were removing posts that said negative things toward their company. I disagreed with what they were doing, and i posted my opinion in my blog about what i thought about the article. i also had to work on a photoshop assignment, which involved Typography drawing. I was going to trace Ray Lewis with letters. ill finish up next class
Inside the war against chinese blogs
As a business man myself, I have concluded that the behavior of these companies is very unprofessional, for lack of a better word. I find the behavior of Daqi to be dishonest and absent of integrity, while affecting other blogging world as well as the internet. I find it unacceptable for such companies to smear the names of others in search of greater profit and wealth. Such acts are the signs of dictatorship, an unacceptable and vile form of government. These acts will further fuel the Communism already present in this developing country.
I dont think it is fair for a company to take down a blog post thread criticizes them. If a company is bad at something, what is the problem with somebody complaining? If somebody is criticizing them for a problem that isn't there, then i can see why they might get angry. For example, if a chinese football player buys some nike cleats, but they are defective, then he should have right to complain about it on the internet. It doesn't make sense to take the post down. If the company messes up one of there products, then they should be criticized for it. I think that it is ok for companies to hire bloggers to post things about their products though. It creates new jobs for people, and it helps them get more business by making their products look better. But i think they are paying their workers to little. 1.5 cents per post seems like nothing.
word count: 251
I dont think it is fair for a company to take down a blog post thread criticizes them. If a company is bad at something, what is the problem with somebody complaining? If somebody is criticizing them for a problem that isn't there, then i can see why they might get angry. For example, if a chinese football player buys some nike cleats, but they are defective, then he should have right to complain about it on the internet. It doesn't make sense to take the post down. If the company messes up one of there products, then they should be criticized for it. I think that it is ok for companies to hire bloggers to post things about their products though. It creates new jobs for people, and it helps them get more business by making their products look better. But i think they are paying their workers to little. 1.5 cents per post seems like nothing.
word count: 251
Friday, November 12, 2010
Typography Anatomy of a Font
Typography First Impressions
Typography is what language looks like. I think big companies pay artists to do typography because it looks nice. Typography is just words, written in different styles. Typography could affect a potential consumer by making them more inclined to buy a product being offered. Graffiti is typography even though its illegal. I think typography is off the chain.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Cartoon Photoshop Today's Work 11-10-10
Monday, November 8, 2010
Today's Work 11-8-10
Today I had only one assignment to do: Edit an image. It took a very long time and I kept having trouble putting a border on it an I had a lot of trouble saving it. I eventually figured it out. I had to save it as a PNG file, which I didn't know about before. I also had to do a reflection on this 6 weeks.
Second Six Weeks Reflection
I feel like I've been pretty productive this past 6 weeks. I've pretty much been able to get all of my work done and turned in on time. Every day that I had to do something, I posted in my blog at the end of class about how it went. I think most of the work is good quality, since I've been following instructions. This past 6 weeks I've learned a lot about how to use pages, and also about how to use photoshop, something I have never used before. I also learned about colors and RGB. The thing that took up the most time this 6 weeks was the Brazil Brochure. I think I did good on it, but I did finish earlier then most people.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Goat Photohop, Today's Work, 11-4-10
Today I used photoshop, and took a color quiz. On the color quiz I got 100%. The photoshop took a while but eventually I got it done. The original picture was a goat sitting down, and this is how it turned out.
Image sourceImageBase. Web. 4 Nov. 2010. <http://imagebase.davidniblack.com/main.php?g2_itemId=4447>.
Image sourceImageBase. Web. 4 Nov. 2010. <http://imagebase.davidniblack.com/main.php?g2_itemId=4447>.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Today's Work 11-2-10
Today I had to make up the work that I had missed last class. I was absent, so I had to do the color worksheet and then a color online activity. It was confusing at first, but the teacher helped me out and I got it done. Then I answered the 7 Online questions, which were fairly simple because they were based on the worksheet I had done earlier. NExt class I'm going to have to make up the assignment i was supposed to do today, since I was absent last class and had to make up that work today.
Spectormeter CMYK and RGB
1. How do you think the Spectrometer works? It works by using different lights hitting the specific color in order to get the amount of light being reflected by it.
2. Were there any unexpected results? What were they?Ther e were't any unexpected results.
3. Were there any differences between the different printers?Yes
4. Compare the printed color sheet to the one linked in the blog. What differences due you notice in the RGB display versus
the CMYK printout. The RGB colors are more brighter than the CMYK colors on the printout.
5. Did you notice the Hex Codes for each color. Would you say Hex codes have more in common with RGB or CMYK? Explain. The CYMK values because the hex codes are more similar and are closely related to them in the table.
6. Do you think the use of spectrometry is important for publishers? Why or why not?Yes because they need it in order to experiment with the different colors that they need and see which one is better, the one that would be better to use.
7. What sort of consequences may arise if spectrometers were not used in publishing.The right color wouldn't be used and the final product would be messed up.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
George Bush's Favorite Snack

This picture was edited with the same effects that the Indian picture was edited with.
This is the website I used for the image: http://bilia.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/george-bush-eats-a-kitten.jpg?w=400&h=344
Indian Editing Picture
Original Picture

Edited Picture. To change it, I used the vignette effect, the edge blur effect, and the boost color effect. I also raised the contrast to 30, the definition to 25, the sharpness to 100, and the highlights to 90.
Jonathan Kendrick. "Native Dancer." Stock.xchng - the Leading Free Stock Photography Site. HAAP Media Ltd, a Subsidiary of Getty Images, 26 Aug. 2008. Web. 5 Feb. 2007. http://www.sxc.hu/photo/713435.
Jonathan Kendrick. "Native Dancer." Stock.xchng - the Leading Free Stock Photography Site. HAAP Media Ltd, a Subsidiary of Getty Images, 26 Aug. 2008. Web. 5 Feb. 2007. http://www.sxc.hu/photo/713435.
Monday, October 25, 2010
10-15-10 Work
Today the first part of class was spent using iPhoto. It seemed fairly easy to use and i posted a picture on my blog about a photo I had edited. Then the teacher started telling us about different colors, and he gave a presentation about it. Then I had to do an online activity dealing with graphs and colors, which somebody helped me do. This was a fairly simple day.
Messing with iPhoto
The original photo.
This is the edited photo.
This picture was taken off of...
This is the edited photo.
This picture was taken off of...
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Link to my Brochure, and Link the the document with the other assignment.
Link to document with all the assignment except the brochure: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B7R_VcXXb1AcZjZjZWU5ZWMtMmIwOS00Y2NmLWFjMjUtODkxY2I3NWVjZGMy&hl=en
Link to document with the Brochure: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B7R_VcXXb1AcNWIwODgyY2UtNzVjOC00OTRjLWJlZWEtMmVkMTk4OWM3ZGQ5&hl=en&authkey=CO3r2poN
I finished my project earlier then most people, so my work log isn't as large, since I didn't have to spend as much time as other people working on it. Thats why I stopped posting about my days work in the blog earlier then other people, its because I finished sooner then others.
Link to document with the Brochure: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B7R_VcXXb1AcNWIwODgyY2UtNzVjOC00OTRjLWJlZWEtMmVkMTk4OWM3ZGQ5&hl=en&authkey=CO3r2poN
I finished my project earlier then most people, so my work log isn't as large, since I didn't have to spend as much time as other people working on it. Thats why I stopped posting about my days work in the blog earlier then other people, its because I finished sooner then others.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Finishing my brochure 10-4-10
I finally finished my brochure today. I stayed on task for the most part and got it finished. I think it looks pretty good. Next class I'll probably just double check the whole project and make sure that is all looks good, and then I'll be completely done with this project.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Today's Work 9-30-10
Today I did my re- did my itinerary since it had been deleted when the servers were messed with. I also started on my brochure and I think I'm making good progress. I should have it done by next class.
Some example brochures I liked

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Today's Work 9-28-10
Today I mostly just studied for a quiz i thought I was going to take, but it turns out we didn't have to take a quiz.... so my time was wasted....
Friday, September 24, 2010
Todays Work 9-24-10
Today I finished doing the document with the first assignment in it, so now all I need to do is to finish up my brochure, which I'll start next class. I'll have Tuesday and Thursday to finish it up, so I should be fine. Today I also Posted how I thought I did on the first assignment due, and I also posted on my blog other projects which I liked.
How I think I did on the first part of the Brazil Project
General- 4
Table Of Contents-4
Work Log Initial Design-4
Bibliography Citations-3?
Professionalism- 4?
Table Of Contents-4
Work Log Initial Design-4
Bibliography Citations-3?
Professionalism- 4?
Other projects I like
tacotalk3.blogspot.com- I like this project because the work log is very neat.
dailydoseofhampton.blogspot.com- I like this project because it has a lot of pictures
schooledbypaulyd.blogspot.com- I like this blog because it seems to be very organized and the posts are in- depth.
dailydoseofhampton.blogspot.com- I like this project because it has a lot of pictures
schooledbypaulyd.blogspot.com- I like this blog because it seems to be very organized and the posts are in- depth.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
My First PDF Document
I didn't really like today. I had finished the first assignment due, so I had to turn it into a PDF document and post the link into my blog. It took a long time, and I had to keep reading the instructions. After maybe 15 minutes I managed to turn it into a PDF document, and the link is posted above. So today I learned how to turn a document into a PDF document. I guess the next step would be to work on my brochure in a later class.
I didn't really like today. I had finished the first assignment due, so I had to turn it into a PDF document and post the link into my blog. It took a long time, and I had to keep reading the instructions. After maybe 15 minutes I managed to turn it into a PDF document, and the link is posted above. So today I learned how to turn a document into a PDF document. I guess the next step would be to work on my brochure in a later class.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
9-16-10, Multimedia
Today was pretty simple. I finally finished doing all of the rough drafts of how I will make my project, so now I'm ready to just start making the brochure now. I'll do that next class, so far I think I'm doing fine of time.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Today's Work
Today I worked on my plan for the Brazil Project. It took a while, put i got the whole outline for the brochure done. Now I just need to do an outline for the itinerary, which should be simple. I also used photobooth today, which is an application. It was actually pretty interesting. Its all macs have going for them... Well today we pretty easy, it just took time for me to finish the outline for the brochure, but now that i have it finished its just a matter of getting it into a Pages format.
My initial thoughts on the the Country Project
I don't think I'm going to like doing this project, but thats mostly because I am not very good with Macs or Pages. The country I'm doing is Brazil, and I think it's a good country to do because a lot of people go there for vacations.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Plagiarism and Stock Photography Questions
1- What is plagiarism? Any good reasons to avoid it?
Plagiarism is defined as passing off someone else's ideas or work as your own. (no pun intended)
It is a good idea to avoid it because it could get you kicked out of college or get you fired.
2- What citation format are we using for this project?
The citation format is Endnote, Footnote, and In- Text Citation
3- Create a citation for your 'Works Cited' page of two websites you might use on your project.
"Brazil." Infoplease.com. Web. 10 Nov. 2010. <http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0107357.html#axzz0z8JhFT6p>.
"Brazilian Culture." Brazil-travel-guide.com. Web. 10 Sept. 2010. <http://www.brazil-travel-guide.com/Brazil-Culture.html>.
Stock Photography:
1- What is stock photography?
Stock Photography is a supply of photos collected to use instead of hiring a photographer.
2- Why can't we just use random images off google?
If you take a copyrighted image off of a google, then the company that owns it could contact their lawyers and sue you.
Public Domain:
1- What does it mean for an image to be Public Domain?
It means it has no intellectual property rights within your country of your residence.
2- Post a picture you found off a stock photography or public domain site on your blog.

1- What is plagiarism? Any good reasons to avoid it?
Plagiarism is defined as passing off someone else's ideas or work as your own. (no pun intended)
It is a good idea to avoid it because it could get you kicked out of college or get you fired.
2- What citation format are we using for this project?
The citation format is Endnote, Footnote, and In- Text Citation
3- Create a citation for your 'Works Cited' page of two websites you might use on your project.
"Brazil." Infoplease.com. Web. 10 Nov. 2010. <http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0107357.html#axzz0z8JhFT6p>.
"Brazilian Culture." Brazil-travel-guide.com. Web. 10 Sept. 2010. <http://www.brazil-travel-guide.com/Brazil-Culture.html>.
Stock Photography:
1- What is stock photography?
Stock Photography is a supply of photos collected to use instead of hiring a photographer.
2- Why can't we just use random images off google?
If you take a copyrighted image off of a google, then the company that owns it could contact their lawyers and sue you.
Public Domain:
1- What does it mean for an image to be Public Domain?
It means it has no intellectual property rights within your country of your residence.
2- Post a picture you found off a stock photography or public domain site on your blog.

3- Write the citation for this photo.
"Free- Stock Photos." Freestockimages.net. Web. 10 Sept. 2010. <http://www.freestockimages.net/gallery/>.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Brazil Vacation Project
For a project in multimedia, I'm supposed to pick a country. The country I chose to do a project over is Brazil, more specifically, The Amazon. I will create a page to promote cultural understanding. I will also talk about what it would be like to take a vacation there. The sort of format I would use is a brochure. The brochure will be designed to show what a 2 week vacation in The Amazon might look like.

Scenario #1 – A student sends a harassing e-mail to another student. The receiving student
retaliates with a “flaming e-mail.” Is this the appropriate response? If not, what would be?
That is not the appropriate response. An appropriate response would be block his emails and possibly notify a teacher about what he is doing.
Scenario #2 – When hanging out with friends, one of the students makes a call on their cellphone and carries on a conversation while still within the group. Is this ok? Why or why not?
It is not ok. If he is with his friends then he should be talking to his friends and not to somebody on the phone. It would be rude to ignore them if your hanging out with them.
Scenario #3 – A student logs on to a free file sharing website and downloads a song they just heard on the radio. Is this ok? Why or why not?
It is ok as long the music they are downloading is going onto their computer, and not a school or library computer. If the music is free, then I don't think it would be illegal to be downloading the music.
Scenario #4 – A student follows a questionable link to a website and downloads a malicious script which releases a Trojan Horse virus on to the school network. Is the student to blame? Why or why not?
The student is to blame because he shouldn't be following any questionable links. There is nobody else to blame for it. It is common sense that you can get viruses on your computer for certain websites, so the student should have been more careful.
Scenario #5 – An hour before class, a student remembers that a writing assignment is due. The student goes to the library, logs on to a website, and copies/pastes the information. Is this ok? Why or why not?
It is not ok. That is called plagiarism and it is illegal. The student should be doing his own work.
Scenario #6 – At home, a student uses a software package to copy movies and games from DVD’s for his or her friends. Is this within fair-use laws? Explain.
It is not within fair-use of the laws. It is illegal to be burning DvDs or Video Games onto to disc. The student should get arrested.
Scenario #7 – A student logs into the school website to download the syllabus they lost. Are they breaking any rules or laws? Explain.
They are not breaking any rules or laws because they are not trying to download something like a video game or song, it is just something to help him with school and it allowed.
Scenario #8 – Students spend a good amount of time in class creating a web page for a school sponsored fundraiser. However, there website is not usable by certain individuals with disabilities. Was this disrespectful or wrong of them?
This is disrespectful of the student because that is being biased to people with disabilties. If they make a website, it should be accessible either by everybody, or by nobody, not just by certain people who don't have disabilities.
Scenario #9-Why do you think netiquette is important? Why are we using part of our class time for this?
Netiquette is important because if you are good at it it can help keep you out of trouble, and it is "polite". If you don't have netiquette, somebody could get offended. We are using part of our class time to learn about it so that we can be more "professional" while posting things on blogs or using the internet.
retaliates with a “flaming e-mail.” Is this the appropriate response? If not, what would be?
That is not the appropriate response. An appropriate response would be block his emails and possibly notify a teacher about what he is doing.
Scenario #2 – When hanging out with friends, one of the students makes a call on their cellphone and carries on a conversation while still within the group. Is this ok? Why or why not?
It is not ok. If he is with his friends then he should be talking to his friends and not to somebody on the phone. It would be rude to ignore them if your hanging out with them.
Scenario #3 – A student logs on to a free file sharing website and downloads a song they just heard on the radio. Is this ok? Why or why not?
It is ok as long the music they are downloading is going onto their computer, and not a school or library computer. If the music is free, then I don't think it would be illegal to be downloading the music.
Scenario #4 – A student follows a questionable link to a website and downloads a malicious script which releases a Trojan Horse virus on to the school network. Is the student to blame? Why or why not?
The student is to blame because he shouldn't be following any questionable links. There is nobody else to blame for it. It is common sense that you can get viruses on your computer for certain websites, so the student should have been more careful.
Scenario #5 – An hour before class, a student remembers that a writing assignment is due. The student goes to the library, logs on to a website, and copies/pastes the information. Is this ok? Why or why not?
It is not ok. That is called plagiarism and it is illegal. The student should be doing his own work.
Scenario #6 – At home, a student uses a software package to copy movies and games from DVD’s for his or her friends. Is this within fair-use laws? Explain.
It is not within fair-use of the laws. It is illegal to be burning DvDs or Video Games onto to disc. The student should get arrested.
Scenario #7 – A student logs into the school website to download the syllabus they lost. Are they breaking any rules or laws? Explain.
They are not breaking any rules or laws because they are not trying to download something like a video game or song, it is just something to help him with school and it allowed.
Scenario #8 – Students spend a good amount of time in class creating a web page for a school sponsored fundraiser. However, there website is not usable by certain individuals with disabilities. Was this disrespectful or wrong of them?
This is disrespectful of the student because that is being biased to people with disabilties. If they make a website, it should be accessible either by everybody, or by nobody, not just by certain people who don't have disabilities.
Scenario #9-Why do you think netiquette is important? Why are we using part of our class time for this?
Netiquette is important because if you are good at it it can help keep you out of trouble, and it is "polite". If you don't have netiquette, somebody could get offended. We are using part of our class time to learn about it so that we can be more "professional" while posting things on blogs or using the internet.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Using the program called Pages
As I've said in an earlier post, I hate Macs. After using the program "Pages", I am convinced I will always hate them. "Pages" seems to be some sorry imitation of Microsoft Word that doesn't work and isn't practical. It had some similar features as Word did, it lets you change font and use bold text and change the layout of the page, but I think Microsoft Word is much easier and better then Pages. I did find an interesting feature on Pages though. It was called a "Template Chooser". It has a bunch of pre-set page layouts that lets you easily make things like Newsletters, Brochures, Flyers, Posters, Cards & Invitations, Business Cards, and Certificates. This feature was interesting at first, but then I realized its not worth it if doesn't work as smoothly as Microsoft Word. I guess the program is decent, and if your trying to type up a paper, you could use this program
Blog- Self Evaluation
Design Template- 4
Design Tab: Gadgets- 4
Setting Tab- 4
Protecting Your Identity- 4
Posting- 4?
Blog Entries- 3
Commenting- 4?
Professionalism- 4
Design Tab: Gadgets- 4
Setting Tab- 4
Protecting Your Identity- 4
Posting- 4?
Blog Entries- 3
Commenting- 4?
Professionalism- 4
Monday, August 30, 2010
Commenting on other people's Blogs.
After I had made my own blog and got it all set-up, I thought I'd get on some other people's blogs and see hows theirs turned out. I ended up commenting on several people's blogs, and for the most part, my comments were related to the post. If for some reason you would like to see which blogs I've been following and commenting on, here are the links.
Doing the Computer Hunt.
My first assignment in the Multimedia class was to do a Computer Hunt. It involved answering several questions about the computer, which, unfortunately, was a Mac. I hate everything about Macs. It's hard for me to think of something I hate more then Macs. I'm not good at using them, and they don't make sense. They don't seem very practical either. So, at first it seemed like doing the computer hunt would be hard. I got help from a friend, and eventually I got it finished. I don't know if I got a very good grade on it though, it seemed like I had to guess for a lot of things, or I was just unsure of the answer I was putting. I had to find out a lot of information about the computer to answer some of the questions, but since this computer is a Mac, (and I hate Macs) it was hard for me to get the information I needed. Eventually, I finished the Computer Hunt.
I think that I could have improved my grade on this assignment if I had asked the teacher for some help, since he knows a lot more about Macs then I do. Maybe next time I get an assignment I'll do that.
I think that I could have improved my grade on this assignment if I had asked the teacher for some help, since he knows a lot more about Macs then I do. Maybe next time I get an assignment I'll do that.
http://www.apple.com/ (That is where you buy Macs)
If you would like try out the Computer Hunt, the link is posted right above this.
Making my Blog.
I have never made a blog before, so I was unsure if I would be able to make one today for Multimedia class. Once I started making it though, it was fairly straight forward. I just followed the process and did what it told me to do, and in a couple of minutes I had created my blog. I didn't really have to ask the teacher for help, except for how to open a tab so I could look at the blog and still look at the blog rubric at the same time.Since it is so simple,I recommend you try it out. Also, I moved my avatar all the way down to the bottom of the blog page. The link for the website where you can create a blog is linked below (but more importantly, my avatar is of Obama in a football jersey).
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