Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Today's Work

Today I started messing around with Adobe Rome. I was following a set tutorial to make something, but I wasn't able to finish it. I will probably finish it next class, So I'll post up what I made then. So far, Adobe Rome seems pretty simple and straight forward, and it has some neat effects. i'll have to mess around with it some more before I can say whether its a good program or not though.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Today's Work 2-16-11

Hoy en este dia hice mucho trabaja. Yo termine me proyecto sobra "Animated Text". Fue dificil, y necesitio mucho tiempo para terminar todo, pero yo termine el proyecto este clase. En el proyecto, yo usar cinco partes, y puso muchos efectos. Se ves muy bien. Tambien me empezar con mi  proyecto sobe Web 2.0 Tools. Tambien me termine eso en este clase, y por eso dice que termine mucho trabaja hoy. No se lo que voy a hacer en el otro clase, pero horita termine mi trabajo.

Animated Text

Monday, February 14, 2011

Today's Work 2-14-11

Today I figured out how to the animated text, so I started on that but I didn't finish it yet. I also spent some time writing my rough draft for my TopSite 2.0 tool. I'm almost finished with that, but I might have to finish writing it next class, along with my animated text. I had a productive day.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Today's Work 2-8-11

Today in class I started to do my newest mini-project, or I tried to anyway. This project involves doing Kinetic Typography- Animated Text. The instructions weren't very clear, So I don't know how to start. I ended up looking at an example project, and I looked a website that gave tips on animating text, but I still don't know how to start the project. I also went to, and looked at some ebooks, that I think are supposed to be used for the class. Maybe next class period I can talk to the teacher so maybe he can give me clearer instructions on this project.

Today's Work 2-10-11

Today I wasn't able to do anything because I was only in class for a few minutes before I had to leave on a field trip

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Taking Surveys

Last class, I had to take a survey for all the people that presented. I took surveys for the people that uploaded them, but I wasn't able to do surveys for the several people who didn't upload them. Also, one person uploaded his survey but I needed some login to use it, so I was only able to do a couple of people's surveys.

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