Monday, August 30, 2010

Making my Blog.

I have never made a blog before, so I was unsure if I would be able to make one today for Multimedia class. Once I started making it though, it was fairly straight forward. I just followed the process and did what it told me to do, and in a couple of minutes I had created my blog. I didn't really have to ask the teacher for help, except for how to open a tab so I could look at the blog and still look at the blog rubric at the same time.Since it is so simple,I recommend you try it out. Also, I moved my avatar all the way down to the bottom of the blog page. The link for the website where you can create a blog is linked below (but more importantly, my avatar is of Obama in a football jersey).   (This is where you make a blog, try it out.)


  1. Love your avatar of Obama in a football jersey!

  2. Making the blog really was straight-forward. I never would've thought that.

  3. Google, owners blogger, have done a pretty good job of making things straight forward and user friendly.


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